Daniel Tamas

Take action and start chasing your dreams as no one else will do it for you!

Tag: startup

Some essential advice for startups I picked up from How to Web

How to Web is definitely one of those events you are not allowed to miss since it’s the biggest regional conference dedicated to entrepreneurship and web technology. Not to mention that if you’re a newbie startup-up looking to get your idea known, meet up with investors and mentors or win some serious cash prizes to fund your venture, you should definitely consider applying to the Startup Spotlight competition.

But, beyond that, How to Web is the perfect place to meet with some of the most successful entrepreneurs from around the globe, people that have founded startups and who developed products or services we all know and use. And what’s the even better part? They are there to give you advice, share their success stories, their secrets and what they have learnt from their failures. Needless to say, I spent the two days all eyes and ears. So here are some valuable tidbits about entrepreneurship from key speakers I’d like to share with you.

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The long winding road to building a successful business

Make no mistake, building a business is hard stuff 🙂 Take it from me and my partners who started out really small. Yes, we now have a powerful team of talented people and we are well positioned in the Romanian gaming market, but it took a lot of hard work and our journey is far from over. We are all aware that we still have a long way to go, because success is not something you just gain over night – you build, you mend, you adapt and you keep working on it.

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How to motivate yourself through the hardships of entrepreneurship

We’ve all hit that motivational rock bottom in our professional lives where you just want to crawl into a corner, close your eyes and hope every problem goes away. Or, maybe, you’re more like me and you’ve considered turning things upside down, storming out and slamming the door shut behind you. While that might be in your right to do so, if you’re an entrepreneur, you have another thing coming if you think you can just pack up your toys and go home every time you have a problem!

Being an entrepreneur offers an incredible amount of satisfaction but, as the old saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility. If things get though, there are still a great number of people depending on you, whether we’re talking about your employees, clients or business partners. So, how can you actually keep yourself from abandoning ship at the first signs of trouble? After 8 years of running my own businesses, here’s my 2…well…5 cents:

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Take action and start chasing your dreams

I have never been one to wait for life to provide me with the right opportunities. For everything I have done so far, I’ve hustled and I have dived head first, I’ve made my mistakes but used them to get me closer to what I wanted. And what I wanted is today a success.

Together with my high school mate, I’ve setup what is now one of the largest indie gaming companies in Romania, Idea Studios, and went from being two young entrepreneurs with high hopes to now three ambitious shareholders owning three successful companies (Idea Studios, Transylgamia and Jellycs). Moreover, we are overseeing a team of over 50 talented game developers and monetization experts and over 500 games that are enjoyed by millions of users all over the world on a monthly basis.

I’ll be honest. It’s been a rough road, with many sacrifices and ups and downs. But, at the same time, there have been countless satisfactions, learning opportunities and I have met wonderful people along the way, people that have helped and inspired me. That is why I have chosen to share my experiences as best as I can in the lines that will be filling my new digital home.

But this blog comes with a warning: I won’t pretend I know everything and have the perfect advice for every situation. On the other hand, I have had the privilege of experiencing the trials and tribulations every entrepreneur goes through when starting a business and the challenges of growing it bit by bit to the point of making it successful. There is no universal recipe, and I will let you in on what resources I’ve used and what has helped me along the way in the hope that you might find some valuable tidbit that you can personalize and apply to your business.

As the popular saying goes, great things come to those who wait, BUT even greater things come to those who act. So whatever your idea is, whatever business you are developing, the moment for putting your plans into action and start chasing your dreams is now.

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